DCPC confusion over newly-qualified drivers

By Categories: NewsPublished On: Thursday 26 June 2014

dcpctruckNewly-qualified truck drivers are reportedly presenting themselves for Driver CPC training, not realising that they have to achieve the Driver CPC initial qualification by examination, which means passing modules two and four of the LGV driving test.

Some, perhaps most, of these drivers may well have been driving illegally, and a number of periodic training providers have raised this issue with Transport Operator.

Prior to embarking on the 35-hours of periodic training in five years, such drivers must be issued with their first Driver CPC Card, which can be gained only by passing modules two and four.

It would appear that some LGV driving licence training providers either do not understand the legislation themselves or are misinforming candidates in order to keep costs down.

Any driver who first gained his full LGV licence on or after 10 September 2009 can only acquire the Driver CPC card by passing test modules two and four, although passing modules one and three will get the candidate a licence.

The situation is confused a little by drivers who held a Cat C1/C1 +E licence by virtue of grandfather rights and subsequently passed a Cat C and/or C + E test on or after 10 September 2009 not having to acquire the Initial Driver CPC by examination, but having to do 35 hours of approved training before September 10, 2014.

Drivers who hold both PCV (coach and bus) and LGV (truck) licences only require one Driver CPC qualification.