Staying safe with Microlise compliance solutions

By Categories: Commercial NewsPublished On: Monday 20 January 2025

Telematics specialist Microlise has explained how its portfolio of software and technology solutions can help fleet operators remain on the right side of legal and regulatory requirements, as well as providing safety benefits.

“Rules and regulations, in whichever form they might take, exist primarily to keep people safe from harm,” said the company.

“When they are not followed and complied with, the consequences can be every shade of negative, from the illegal all the way through to the fatal.

“Compliance is therefore vital and never more so than in road transport and haulage operations. Tachograph [and working time rules] prevent tired drivers causing themselves and others harm in a sleep-deprived state. Licence checks ensure that a driver is appropriately qualified to sit behind the wheel of their vehicle.”

The company also emphasises the importance of vehicles’ adherence to the laws of the road, and that cargo is stowed correctly so as not to bring harm to the public.

“Regulations constantly evolve and it can be a never-ending headache for the transport manager to keep on top of them,” said the firm.

“There are no second chances when it comes to compliance. Microlise understands this and offers a range of solutions that keep fleets and drivers within the law at all times, quickly and efficiently.”

The TruTac TruControl portal brings together everything a transport manager needs to ensure their fleet is compliant, says Microlise, while at the same time vastly reducing the administrative burden placed upon them.

“They have an always-on view of a dashboard displaying key performance data, while all of the required paperwork is just a few clicks away.

“Location and fleet management tools can help managers allocate drivers to jobs in a compliant manner, making sure they have the capacity to drive and drop, without going over time.

“The driver is at the heart of the portal too. They have access to tools which educate them on the importance of their tachograph records and how to remain compliant, before recording and analysing their driving patterns with other solutions in the package. They can also self-validate that they have the skills to drive the vehicle in question.

“Before a driver begins their journey, they can complete a walkaround check of their vehicle with an app that is linked to a back-office compliance system. If authorities indicate an infringement, the driver and the company is covered when the app shows that a pre-journey check was satisfactorily completed.”

The TruControl end-to-end suite can also provide transport managers with peace of mind that their fleets are fully approved for the DVSA’s Earned Recognition scheme, adds Microlise.

“While there are rules and regulations that apply to all the highways and byways that criss-cross the country, driving in London is now subject to its own, highly specific rules,” the company continued.

“The Direct Vision Standard (DVS) was implemented to make the roads within the M25 as safe as they can be, as heavy goods vehicles weighing more than 12 tonnes traverse their way around the city streets.

“Microlise offers all of the technology requirements to meet the standard. From nearside blind-spot cameras with in-cab screen, external audible warnings before left turns to an AI blind-spot information system for the nearside with an in-cab warning.

“An AI moving off information system for the front of the vehicle, again with an in-cab warning, reacts to pedestrians and cyclists and alerts the driver when intent to pull away is shown.”

The company emphasised the need for compliance to be right first time, to avoid drivers and vehicles being taken off the road, resulting in lost earnings for their operators.

“As well as the driver and the vehicle, the load must be compliant too…

“Sensors can indicate when doors are opened, affecting the internal temperature of the vehicle trailer, which could then in turn affect the load.

“Whether frozen or chilled – or indeed both in the same trailer – Microlise can ensure that it reaches its destination in the perfect condition,” said the firm.