Driver Hire launches licence acquisition service

By Categories: Commercial NewsPublished On: Monday 27 June 2022

Recruitment specialist Driver Hire has added a nationwide licence acquisition service to its training portfolio, building on its existing status as a major provider of Driver CPC over the last 10 years.

The dedicated service is designed for those looking to acquire or upgrade their professional driving licence.

“Since we introduced our Driver CPC service a decade ago we’ve become a market leader,” said John Keelan Edwards, director, Driver Hire Training.

“We introduced our online ‘virtual classroom’ at the start of the pandemic and that’s been a big boost – we now have a market share of at least 10 per cent. So it made sense to look at other ways that we could make life easier and help boost the careers of people working in this industry.”

Driver Hire Training’s licence acquisition service includes training for drivers seeking an HGV licence, existing HGV drivers working towards a licence upgrade or adding new skills such as Hiab or ADR.

Training is provided through a nationwide network of carefully selected, high quality training providers, says the company, via one of the largest licence acquisition training networks across the UK. Customers include both individual drivers (for whom funding options are available) and transport operators in the private and public sectors.

“At a time of high demand for HGV drivers our licence acquisition training offer provides a wonderful opportunity for employers to invest in and train their own people,” John continued.

“If you’ve got, say, a van driver who’s doing a great job for you, it’s a perfect opportunity to offer them HGV licence acquisition through a Driver Hire training course…

“Whether you’re an employer or an individual driver, we want to be something of a one-stop shop for logistics professionals. We can help employers find great staff and to upskill and retain the people they already have. And for drivers, we can help boost their skills, meet their legal obligations and find great work when they are looking for something new.”